OUR Ministries

Sunday Worship and Fellowship
Sunday worship and fellowship are the heart of our ministry. Through the worship and fellowship, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to love one another and to serve our neighbors. We hope that you will join us on an upcoming Sunday!
* Holy Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month.
Church Hill is proud of our local reputation as "the missions church". We have a long history of showing compassion to those in need through our support of organizations such as the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), Heifer International, Friends of the Homeless, Father Bill's, Church World Service (CWS), City Reach, and the South Hampton Shelter.

Coffee House
All are welcome to join us once a month as we host professional musicians and serve coffee/tea and delicious desserts!

CityReach is an overnight urban outreach program offered several times per year by Ecclesia Ministries which educates young people and adults about homelessness. Such weekends offer an important opportunity for suburban youth and adults to gain first-hand experience with unhoused persons. Approximately 100 participants arrive at St. Paul's Cathedral on Tremont Street in Boston on Friday night. There, they meet teachers who are themselves unhoused, and together they walk through the city guided by these members of Common Cathedral. Following this walk, they worship together and then sleep in the Cathedral sanctuary. On Saturday morning, CityReach participants offer clothing to poor and unhoused guests at St. Paul's.

Children's Sermon
A virtual children's lesson is available every month on YouTube. Please visit the link on the home page.
Men's Luncheon Club
The Men's Luncheon Club meets the fourth Wednesday of every month at noon to share a meal and fellowship. The location changes as we visit restaurants in the different communities where our members live. We especially try to support the restaurants that support our Snowflake Festival each year.
This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know other men in the congregation in a relaxed and enjoyable setting. Please join us at our next luncheon.
For more information, contact Chuck Frary at (617-694-4909) or hloring.cfrary@verizon.net.